UT Recruitment / References

Please contact for all recruitment needs regarding Austin area women going through Recruitment:  ThetaZetaRecruitment@gmail.com




Recruitment Information Form (RIF):
This is the official potential new member form provided by the TriDelta Executive Office. Each girl only needs one. Every chapter has different requirements so make sure to verify with them if they ask for hard copy or online recommendations.


When writing a recommendation, please do NOT write “see attached” and attach a resume. That defeats the entire purpose of writing a reference and it is not well-received by the active members. The reference is intended to help the collegiate reference team identify potential new members from hundreds to thousands of references; so, keep that in mind as the audience for whom you are writing.

Every recommendation will need a copy of the girl’s transcript, resume, and at least one picture.

The recommendation will ask if the potential new member is a TriDelta legacy.  A woman is only a legacy if her mother or sister was a TriDelta. Grandmothers, aunts, and cousins do not apply for legacy status but are always helpful information.

Letter or Letter of Support:
This is an informal note sent to the chapter on an alumna’s own stationary or letterhead on behalf of the potential new member. It is a letter intended to support your recommendation and include more personal stories, elaborate on a girl’s character, and just add a special touch to help members get to know the potential new members better.  Many chapters have chosen to not accept letters of support so make sure to verify with the individual chapter.


When writing a letter of support, make sure to note the potential new member’s full name, high school, and college somewhere in the letter. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in the body of the letter but easy for the collegiates to see. It is important for the chapter to know who you are recommending.

All potential new members need to register their intent to go through recruitment with the panhellenic office or Greek life at their intended school.  
In addition, registration with your local Alumnae Panhellenic Association is also helpful. Typically googling the college’s name and “sorority recruitment” gets you close to the right page.


We are always in search of more alumnae wanting to get involved in Recruitment and help out with processing references. Please let me know if you are interested. It takes a lot of time to process references and market our awesome Austin girls to all of the collegiate chapters so all help is most appreciated!


Last updated May 2020